This month put yourself first by practicing self love ❤️! During American Heart Health Month, let’s remember the lives of those who have been lost to heart conditions and all the people who live with these conditions everyday.

Together, we can rock red this month to help express our support and compassion. You won’t regret it!

Practice Self Love this month!

Here are a few lessons I learned about self love:

1. My emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing are my highest priority. Everything depends on my health.

2. Effort and ease are equally important. I need to make time for both, balancing periods of doing with not-doing anything.

3. When there is no solution to a situation, the simple act of being mindful with the feeling, the person, or the experience allows for the issue to naturally be resolved on its own.

I hope you’re feeling the love and joy! I wish you, and your loved ones the very best this month of heart health & self love!

With love and gratitude….Brownie Wellness’